7 June 2018

Insights into the 'Show Angewandte 18' of the Fashion Department of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Yesterday, the video of the annual 'Show Angewandte 18' was posted online. The presentation of collections by students and graduates of the University of Applied Arts' Fashion Department headed by British designer Hussein Chalayan happened on 5 June at the Expedithalle of Anker Brotfabrik in Vienna. It was the fourth show under the direction of Hussein Chalayan and the first staged after the new concept of several catwalk routes through the industrial space of the former bread manufactory where the guests were enabled to change their viewpoints individually. The live sound was contributed by musician Ana Threat. The video (embedded on this page below) shows the collections by the students with insertions containing the name of the student, the collection title, and the year of the 4-year program such as (at minute 17:28) the collection by Jennifer Milleder with the title 'k/not a glitch' (photo below, left); Milleder is currently in the 3rd year of her education at the Fashion Department and received for the sci-fi cowboy inspired pieces one of two Fred Adlmüller scholarships. At the video, the student presentations are continued by the five diploma collections by the graduates Herta Bernane, Frizzi Lange, Alissia-Lara Mayerhofer, Patricia Narbon and Nora Krepart. Last mentioned received the main prize for her 'flowerboy' collection (picture below, right). Details about the awards and graduate collections are published at

fig.: Runway images of award receiving collections presented at 'Show Angewandte 18' on 5 June 2018 at Anker Brotfabrik in Vienna. Photos: © Liebentritt Christoph.

Left: 'k/not a glitch' collection by (3rd year) student Jennifer Milleder; Fred Adlmüller scholarship winner. The scholarship is named after the Austrian couturier Fred Adlmüller (1909 - 1989) who headed the Angewandte Fashion Department from 1973 to 1979. The scholarships are funded by money from the Fred Adlmüller Foundation.

Right: 'flowerboy' collection by graduate Nora Krepart; received the main prize 'Rondo Fashion Award' by the magazine 'Rondo' (belongs to the Austrian daily newspaper 'Der Standard').

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