T-shirt slogans and other texts at Tokyo Fashion Week

...reviewed on 18 October 2014 at the media images of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tokyo (MBFWT). Since 13 October, designers and international labels present the new Spring/Summer 2015 collections on the runway in Tokyo. Significant are great textile prints - from flowers to graphical patterns, and re-interpretations of classical everyday wear. From evening, cocktail over elegant day wear to streetwear, the fashion items are despite all the differences between the distinctive labels in the best sense 'ready-to-wear'. Until today, writings on clothes are rare. Fashionoffice searched for examples such as the three on this page. They have one in common: an optimistic view into the future.

fig. Runway images from Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tokyo (MBFWT), clockwise:

  • 'Love Is In The Air' is written on the sleeveless dress by Ritsuko Shirahama (show on 14 October).
  • The text on the t-shirt by A Degree Fahrenheit designed by Yu Amatsu is for the viewer only visible in parts - the words such as heat, ear, earth, hate, gear, fighter, eighteen etc appear or disappear for the viewer with the movements of the wearer in variable meaningful context (runway show happened on 14 Oct).
  • The picture below is from the runway of Factotum designed by Koji Udo (17 Oct); the t-shirt slogans connect contradictions people meet every day in their life. On view are the slogans 'Hope and Despair' and 'Goodness & Badness'. The slogans are like messages to await future with the 'and' between contrasting expectations.
    Photos: (C) AFPBB News / JFWO / MBFWT.

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