Mister Freedom for Palladium
spring/summer 2011

Re-design of a 1950s boot

In April 2011, the French boot label Palladium launches the limited edition of 'Palladenim', designed by the Los Angeles based design studio 'Mister Freedom'.

The boots are a new interpretation of the classical jungle boot ('chaussure de brousse') of the French military from the 1950s.

To create the look of the boot which you can see on this page, Mister Freedom used the label's own vintage archive with 'new old stock' textiles like the '12 oz. Raw Selvedge Denim'; where even the material of the boot's lining - 100% vintage cotton with stripes, originates from.

"For a kid like me, growing up partly in France and Africa, the brand Palladium meant sneakers (we called them baskettes) and outdoor shoes. Everyone owned a pair… So when talks about a collaboration MFxP initiated over a year ago, I had two words: OUI MESSIEURS!… And called my Mum right away…" introduces Christophe Loiron on into the work on Palladenim and shows one picture of his father from 1956 wearing boots.

Video by, 2010: Hanna Beth interviews Christophe Loiron, founder of Mister Freedom.
Mister Freedom is originally a vintage shop in Los Angeles founded by the French Christophe Loiron in 2003 who moved in 1990 to California. The label collects clothing, accessories, books... representing the years between 1800 and 1960 from countries from all over the world such as Depression Era work-wear to French gentleman farmer outfits or Indigo textiles. Since some years, Mister Freedom creates own designs of vintage products that look contemporary stylish.

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