Designing Minds
Video design series by Zoom-in
spring 2009

Video documentaries about fashion designers

In March and April 2009 the Webby Award winning online video series on designers 'Designing Minds' by the New York pop culture video production Zoom-In present weekly new documentaries about fashion.

Zoom-In is covering in honor of New York Fashion Week designers such as Jose Duran (video on this page), who speaks about his inspirations. He tells with his collections stories about time and society: for one of his collections he researched the history of his home, the Dominican Republic, in the early 19th century and Voodoo rituals. The results are armory pieces and a sculptured dress inspired by a mud ceremony...

In March and April 2009 the Webby Award winning online video series on designers 'Designing Minds' by the New York pop culture video production Zoom-In go online with weekly new documentatires about designers. Video 'Designing Minds: Jose Duran
Executive Producer: Megan Cunningham; Producer: Katie O'Rourke; Associate Producer: Tess Salalac; Director of Photography: Milos Silber; Editor: Katie O'Rourke; Graphics: Simon Yuen & Anita Yu
. Photos courtesy of Ruben Roque, Michael Casker, Thomas Lohr and Dex Star G.

You can find documentaries about

  • Erin Fetherson whose fashion is loved by celebrities like Kirsten Dunst,
  • Duckie Brown's designers Daniel Silver and Steven Cox who have been nominated for the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) Menswear of the Year Award, or
  • Amy Smilovic, founder of Tibi's...

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