Video: 'mediapetros' posted in May 2006 the video mash-up of the fight between Mayweather vs. Cooper to the song 'Beautiful Boyz' by CocoRosie. The American half-Cherokee sisters Sierra (Rosie) and Bianca (Coco) Casady are featuring Antony on this track about the different types of men and that life is not fair. The song appears on the album Noah's Ark (2005).

"born illegitimately...
in every country he set foot in
oh how he loved prison
how awfully lovely was prison

all those beautiful boyz
pimps and queens and criminal queers
all those beautiful boyz"

In May 2010, the new CocoRosie album 'Grey Oceans' was released. CocoRosie is on tour through June until early July in US, on 17 July they will perform at the Montreux Jazz Festival in CH. In July the sisters can be seen on stage in Rome IT, Stuttgart DE, Prag CZ, Budapest HU, and on 27 July in Vienna AT... to name a view from the list on

spring/summer 2010
fall/winter 2010/11

  • fashion by Mik Cire, D&G, Manuel Bozzi, G-Star
  • beauty by Kenneth Cole
  • events: Lifeball, 36stunden (DJ Jesus Luz), concerts CocoRosie

Oh, those beautiful boyz...
sings Antony on the CocoRosie track 'Beautiful Boyz'.

By looking through the messages that were sent in the last two months for editorial consideration, Fashionoffice has picked some beautiful boyz' -- outfits.

fig.: beginning with the man in...

Motorcycle jacket with wool check, jeans, tall black boots with leather strap by Mik Cire, FW 2010/11; presented at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week New York (11 - 18 February 2010 at Bryant Park tents). Photo by Fernanda Calfat/Getty Images for IMG, (C) 2010 Getty Images.

The image of this style is a favored one by the fashion press in the last months. It appeared in several magazines - on- and offline. The reason is not only the great vintage motorcycle style of the California based designer Eric Kim - his label got his name read from backwards 'Mik Cire'; it's the casting of a model with long blond hair - men with straight long hair are currently filling the photo stories in 'glossy' on- and offline magazines, and the photographer's sense for the right time of capturing the man on the catwalk: Fernanda Calfat's image mediates the impression of 'dynamic with ease'.

Eric Kim has founded the label 'Monarchy', which he has left to focus on his contemporary label 'Mik Cire', launched in February 2010 in New York. Watch the Mik Cire-video with the designer in an interview introducing his new label and catwalk views from Bryant Park.

Dog Tag 'ID & G' by D&G , SS2010. Photo: (C) D&G.

Bracelet by Manuel Bozzi, SS2010.

'Vintage Black' men's fragrance made of lemon, woody notes and musk in a black glass bottle in industrial look by Kenneth Cole, SS2010. Kenneth Cole, Chairman von amfAR (American Foundation for AIDS Research), is this year's star designer at the annual Aids-charity Lifeball on 17 July 2010 in Vienna.

Man on a motorcycle; campaign for 'Vintage Black' by Kenneth Cole, SS2010. For the 'Vintage Black' campaign, Kenneth Cole uses the image of a motorcycler on a classical bike, who is wearing a leather jacket from the 50ies with modern jeans and bike boots to express his idea of 'vintage'. For the designer, the 'art of vintage' is to create instinctively from classical elements a modern, contemporary look.

Boots by G-Star, FW2010/11

The Brazilian model and DJ Jesus Luz appeared on 11 June 2010 at in Vienna, a 36 hours(!) party event that happened on various locations at the 'Wiener Volksgarten' (a public garden in the center of the city nearby the parliament - view the map). The only time that the party stopped was from 06.00 to 08.36 in the morning. During this time, the public transport service 'Wiener Linien' provided a special illustrated 'Lifeball'-tram so that the party could be continued. More about the event on the nice website with party videos Photo: (C) Jesus Luz.

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