fig: Gant by Michael Bastian FW2010/11. Photo: (C) Gant, photographer: Cecilia Harling.
GANT by Michael Bastian

fall/winter 2010/11

Male sport of Native American origin inspires designer

On 13 February 2010, the US label Gant presented the new FW2010/11 collection designed by American sportswear designer Michael Bastian at the New York Fashion Week. The collection is accompanied by a menswear style guide written by Michael Bastian himself.

Michael Bastian, who premieres with this collection at Gant, was inspired by the team sport lacrosse which is sometimes played on American football fields, even with a ball but with an additional racquet, the lacrosse stick. With this stick, the ball has to be caught, can be carried and has to be shot into the offender's goal. Lacrosse has a Native American origin.

fig: Gant by Michael Bastian FW2010/11. Photo: (C) Gant, photographer: Cecilia Harling.

Michael Bastian stated, "I discovered an article on lacrosse while flying and as soon as I got off the plane
I knew I had found my inspiration for our first collaboration. Lacrosse is fascinating to me, and I love
that it is this American sport that may not be very well known around the world."

New York born and living designer Michael Bastian is known for designing classical pieces that have a dressed-up, washed-down appeal. For Gant he mixes sporty and tailored elements for comfortable men's wear.

Video: The video was shot on 13 February 2010 on occasion of the 'Gant by Michael Bastian'-campaign launch during the New York Fashion Week Event.

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