spring/summer 2011

A view on porcelain a-like dresses that disturbs

New York based designer Brian Wood presents the new women's wear line Silvio Liu with a video showing the SS2011 collection. The video camera provides a very personal view on the retro-inspired, porcelain a-like, soft floating dresses - it is not the professional look of a fashion reporter, but of an addicted observer. By looking through the eyes of the observer, the beautiful fashion scenery gets a disturbing and thrilling touch. The impact of the visual story-line is intensified by the classical tones and the speaking-whispering voice, arranged by musician Philippe Treuille. It seems as if the porcelain a-like dresses could break easily. The video's aesthetic enhances the femininity of the new line.

Recently - in mid-October 2010, Brian Wood presented another video, which follows the thrilling thread with an extra portion of horror. "Killing Your Closet" premiered on 20 October 2010 in New York. You can view the short film on

Video: Silvio Liu SS2011. On the label's website, the style of Silvio Liu women's wear is described as "...understated cool with a touch of romantic rebel."

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